American Vision Institute Power Vision Program Download Free Apps

American Vision Institute Power Vision Program Download Free Apps 6,0/10 2847 votes

The American Vision for Safer Transportation through Advancement of Revolutionary Technologies (AV START) Act () establishes regulations for the development of highly automated vehicle (HAV) technologies. An HAV is defined by the bill as a motor vehicle “with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or less that is equipped with a automated driving system (ADS), as per the standard. The 22 sections included in the AV START Act regulate the testing, commerce, and safety of HAVs by appointing committees, working groups, and expert panels to research related policy, technology, and social issues, establishing reporting requirements for manufacturers, and initiating new consumer education programs. The Act puts in motion research efforts that will identify portions of the existing that will need to be updated to apply to vehicles driven by automation instead of a human driver. The bill further prohibits state and local governments from regulating the design, construction, or performance standards of ADS and HAV systems and components, but otherwise maintains the jurisdiction of the (NHTSA) and states.

Several sections of the bill apply directly to manufacturers of HAV and related technology: • Manufacturers will be permitted to test ADS and HAV that do not meet the traditional federal vehicle safety standards developed originally for non-autonomous vehicles. Manufacturers who wish to test HAVs must provide information that identifies the vehicle as an HAV, and the test vehicles must be driven by agents or employees of the manufacturer. Test vehicles may not be sold to consumers. • The (DOT) can increase the number of vehicles per manufacturer that are exempted from (FMVSS).

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The bill increases the maximum number of exemptions from a maximum of 2,500 vehicle exemptions () per manufacturer to 50,000 vehicles by the first year, 75,000 vehicles by the second year, and 100,000 vehicles by the fifth year, with additional exemptions after the fifth-year subject to further approval. The increase in exemptions reduces the burden of applying to NHTSA on a case-by-case basis for additional exemptions. However, exemptions may only be made for new, innovative features without established regulations and will not be permitted to reduce vehicle occupant safety. Acting chance in telugu tv serials 2017.

• Manufacturers will be permitted to disable certain driver controls when the vehicle is operating in an automated mode. While manufacturers are currently prohibited from rendering federally mandated vehicle safety controls (e.g., steering wheel and pedals) inoperable by drivers, this exception would allow manufacturers to transfer operability control from the driver to the autonomous vehicle.

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• Incentives may be provided to companies who manufacture HAVs in the US. • Manufacturers will also be required to submit publicly accessible safety evaluation reports to the DOT no later than 90 days before the manufacturer introduces an HAV system or component into commerce.

While the reports are mandatory, the manufacture and sale of HAV will not be conditional on the content of the report. Safety evaluation reports must be updated annually and include assessment, testing and validation processes for nine subject areas, including: • System safety: Engineered safety practices to support reasonable. • Data recording: Documented processes for testing, validation, and collection of data for recording system malfunctions, degradations, and failures to identify their causes and to facilitate information sharing, knowledge building, and crash reconstruction. • Cybersecurity: Approaches to guard against vehicle hacking risks and encourage the exchange of information within the industry. • Human-machine interface: Approaches for communicating information to the driver about automation status, including interfacers for people with disabilities. • Crashworthiness: Verification that occupants and other road users will be protected in crash situations according to. • Documentation of capabilities: Abilities and limitations of the automated driving system.