Born Again Christian Nascar Drivers
When Dale Sr entered turn 3 at Daytona International Speedway on the last lap of the 2001 Daytona 500, he got bumped from a car behind, he got loose, the front end of the car turned left, then his front tires hit the apron and he naturally turned his steering wheel the opposite direction, and when h e did, his car went head first into the outside retaining wall, he hit with such force, his face hit the steering wheel and suffered head trauma and that is how he died. He died from head trauma. His head lunged forward and hit window.

He had open faced helmet on so when his head went forward it hit window and cracked his skull which caused bleeding in the brain and his vital organs to stop working. Plus the straps weren't secure enough to stop him. I do believe he did not hit the window, you would not be able to hit the windshield with a helmet on and get over the steering wheel.
NASCAR drivers, owners, crew members and media personalities share their Christian testimony. Meskon uchebnik menedzhment 2011.
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