Pozdravlenie S Dnem Rozhdeniya Starshej Sestre
Sergej Solouh. DENX ROZHDENIYA IDIOTA. S medicinskoj tochki zreniya, nikakih simptomov slaboumiya za Sergeem Mihajlovichem otmetit' ne predstavlyalos.
Perhaps the most dear and dear person in the world- This is my sister. One blood, a similarity in something, support and strong friendship.
There is no one closer and loved. If a family celebrates a celebration, it is necessary to prepare in advance and carefully. The main thing is to present a smart birthday greeting. 55 years old sister - this is an excellent occasion to tell about your feelings, tell about its meaning in your life. Say a touching speech with the best of wishes. You will see how the eyes of your blood will shine and tears of joy and gratitude will appear.
Grandiose party Organizing holidays is a great pleasure. Everything can be done independently, without resorting to the services of agencies.
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Decorate the room with balls, bows, flowers, garlands. Direct all your imagination into this channel. Decoration for the hall is better to choose in two matching colors.

Make a small program: competitions, games, quizzes. After boring feasts long bored. Prepare a serious and touching birthday greeting for your sister. In prose it will be either in verse - it's up to you! 'Today is a serious anniversary!
Half of the life path passed. My little sister grew up and got prettier. You are always in great shape, in a good mood. How do you do that? Remain always the same charming, radiant, beautiful and kind.
You are my star in the cloudy sky, the most native part of the earth! I will always support you and calm you down. I wish to be happy and beloved - the more a woman does not need anything! Happy birthday, sister!
'- This is a classic birthday greeting. 55 years old sister - an excellent occasion to give her the same scarlet roses! From a luxurious bouquet will be delighted not only the birthday girl, but all invited.
Skilled flatterer The saying that women love ears is puretrue. After all, beautiful creatures just blossom with compliments. How pleasant it is to feel yourself in the center of attention, to hear flattering words addressed to yourself, to rise above the earth with happiness. Build compliments on your birthday with compliments.
55 years old sister - it's time to bestow her words of admiration: Here's a sister of fifty-five - I want to hug you soon, And many warm words to say, We'll congratulate you all this evening! You are an unearthly goddess, Your smile is mischievous, And bottomless eyes - drive all men crazy! A thin mill, the gait of a cat, On the stilettos of huge sandals, You are beautiful and sweet, And elegant, and good. Exquisite nature pattern, Anyone would take you to the crown. Blossom and blossom, Live and smile!
Happy Birthday dear, Young, smart! Such an unusual birthday greeting (55 years old sister) in verse will sound touching and humorous. Read these lines with an expression, let the culprit of the celebration feel like a real goddess 55 - the beauty again Not everyone can make a speech. Some are embarrassed, lost, forget words. Therefore, the wish can be short and clear.
Tired and long tirades no one likes to hear. Express the main idea in 55 words. It is very symbolic in such an anniversary! Such a laconic congratulation on his birthday (55 years old sister - 55 words) will be appreciated: 'I wish you happiness and love, so that both children and grandchildren of youprotected! Let the passions in your life rage, and you go ahead, do not be shy! Good and young, surprise people around!
Rejoice and smile, never give up! My best sister, I will always be around! I respect, I adore, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful, bright and beautiful holiday! ' Wishes matched exactly 55 words. You can write these phrases in a beautiful postcard and read with an expression, looking into the eyes of the birthday girl! Brotherly love The brother loves the sister especially gently, whether she is olderor younger.

Men try to take care of them, protect and help their whole life. Therefore, a birthday greeting (55 years) to a sister from a brother should be unusual and enchanting. Perform this day the dream of the birthday girl. Give her a trip, a fur coat, a car. Exactly what she dreamed about for many years. Feel yourself a magician on this anniversary of your little sister.
But the main thing is the words that the brother will say on such a wonderful day. Include all the love and respect in your congratulations. Explain to the birthday girl how much she is dear and important.