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The Panavia Tornado is a family of twin-engine combat aircraft, which was jointly developed by the West Germany, United Kingdom and Italy. There are three primary versions of the Tornado; the Tornado IDS (Interdictor/Strike) fighter-bomber, the suppression of enemy air defences Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat/Reconnaissance) and the Tornado F.3 (only United Kingdom) a air fefence variant. It is one of the world's most sophisticated and capable interdiction and attack aircraft, with a long range, large payload and high survivability. Developed and built by Panavia, a tri-national consortium consisting of MBB of West Germany, British Aerospace, and Alenia Aeronautica of Italy.
The Tornado first flew on August 14, 1974, and saw action with the RAF and AMI (Italian Air Force) in the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm). International co-operation continued after its entry into service within the Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment, a tri-nation training and evaluation unit operating from RAF Cottesmore, England. Including all variants, 992 aircraft were built for the three partner nations and Saudi Arabia (first export customer). New PANAVIA TORNADO - v2: • High resolution textures virtual cockpit • New repaint • New gauges • Cockpit reflection • Outdoor model with schmalleren wings • New animations • Landing and taxi headlights • New sound Features: • Detailed outside and interior model inclusive animated virtual cockpit • Highly soluble textures with surfaces reflecting • Extensive light effects (e.g. Navigation and landing lights) • Numerous animations (e.g. Canoby, move in gear with spring system) • Animation of all tax flaps (e.g.
• Centre MFD displays fully functional GPS • Centre HUD binnacle displays radio and autopilot information, radio frequencies, fuel states and engine N1 data • Collimated and conformal HUD with real-world symbology • Radio MFD on right console displays Nav and Comms (standby and active), transponder and ADF frequencies. All are switchable using authentic push-buttons • Functional autopilot with heading, track, altitude and speed hold modes • Switch panel for controlling lighting, avionics, ground power, on-board power, refuelling probe and fuel transfer, starters and more • Throttles with in-built fuel cut-off switches and auto-reheat functionality • Control stick can be toggled for a better view of the centre-MFD.
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