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The research also expresses the author’s viewpoint on the changes introduced to procedural laws and regulations to the extent of enhancement of mechanisms and service of legal process as general measures stipulated for prevention of repeated violation of civil rights. 172-FZ of July 17, 2009 'On anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts', as well as a comparative analysis of regional legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation within the Far Eastern Federal District, anti-corruption expertise in the territory of the district, as a result of which, it was concluded that there are gaps in the legislation of this area. Based on statistical data and judicial decisions following court examination of such cases, the author exemplifies the enforcement by individuals of their right for a fair public trial as special preventive measures aimed to remedy the violation of the law of procedure. It also analyses the existing practice to consider individuals’ appeals to judicial authorities for protection of their right for a fair trial in terms of application of mechanisms providing for enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Legal analysis of the regional legislation of the far eastern federal district regulating the procedure of anti-corruption expertise In this article, a legal analysis of Federal Law No.
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Print versions of the Ramayana are also available on Flipkart in India and Amazon in the US. Flipkart sells: the, (Hindi), and the. Amazon sells:. Be sure to check out the for more puranas, epics and other interesting books to download. Ramayana Story Summary Dasharatha is the son of Aja, and a descendant of Raghu and Dilipa.
He is the king of Ayodhya and has three wives – Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. Kausalya gives birth to Rama, Dasharatha’s eldest son.
Sumitra gives birth to Lakshmana and Shatrugana. Kaikeyi gives birth to Bharatha. The four sons grow up into fine young men and are tutored by the greatest rishis, including Vasishtha, the raja guru. Rama marries Sita, the daughter of Janaka, the king of Videha. In legend, Sita is said to be the daughter of Bhudevi or mother earth, and Janaka is said to have found her while tilling the land. Once Rama comes of age, Dasharatha wishes to retire and hand over the kingdom to Rama, who is loved by all.
Rama is made the crown prince and arrangements are set to crown him as king. Everyone looks forward to this event except Manthara, an old hunchback lady in the employ of queen Kaikeyi. She seeks to increase her influence in court through her mistress, and begins to poison Kaikeyi’s mind about Rama and Kausalya’s evil intentions. She plants the idea in Kaikeyi’s mind that unless Bharatha is made king, neither Bharatha nor Kaikeyi will be safe in Rama’s hands. Kaikeyi is hypnotized by these words and decides to use two boons she Dasharatha owes her, to get what she wants.
Kaikeyi had once saved Dasharatha’s life in battle as his charioteer, and he had granted her two boons to ask whenever she wished. Kaikeyi uses these two boons and asks Dasharatha to make Bharatha king and banish Rama for 14 years into the forest. Dasharatha is heart-broken and having given his word earlier, has no choice. Rama thus leaves Ayodhya and heads into the forest.
Sita and Lakshmana accompany him, refusing to be parted from his company. In the forest, the three meet many sages and ultimately settle down. There, Surphanaka, a female rakshasi or demoness is attracted to Rama and approaches him. She threatens and attacks Sita. Seeing this, Lakshmana cuts off her nose and drives her away. Surphanaka flees to her brother Khara, who arrives at Rama and Sita’s home with his army.
But the two brothers destroy the entire force and only soldier escapes with is life. This soldier flees to Lanka, the island kingdom of Ravana, Surphanaka and Khara’s brother. There he tells Ravana of Surphanaka’s disfigurement, of Khara’s death, and Sita’s beauty. Ravana decides to abduct Sita and using trickery and magic arrives at the home of Rama and Sita. He convinces his uncle Maricha to lure Rama and Lakshmana away, disguised as a beautiful deer.