Beyblade Metal Masters Theme Song In Hindi Free Download

This category lists all of the episodes in the Beyblade: Metal Masters season.
About Show – Gingka and his friends meet a new Blader named Masamune Kadoya. 3d max gotovie raboti download. Masamune is a new Blader who joins Gingka’s group and will stop at nothing to defeat him. The WBBA sponsors the new “Beyblade World Championships”, a world tournament where four representatives from each country around the world gather and battle to become the world champions. When Gingka, Masamune, Tsubasa and Yu are chosen as the representatives of Japan, they won’t hold anything back to become the world champions! Kyoya was chosen but turned the opportunity down, as he wants to battle Gingka, and joins the African Team along with Benkei who masquerades as the Masked Bull.
They must then secure the spot of being the strongest Bladers in the world! Watch All Episodes Of Beyblade Metal Masters In Hindi:- Episode 10 – “Lacerta’s Will”. Summary On their way back to Dog City to meet with the ThunderKittens and Snarf, the five adult ThunderCats stay in the middle of a forest – thinking about their next move while Mumm-Ra spies on them using his scrying pool. Cheetara asks Panthro and Tygra where Lion-O and Pumyra are to which Panthro replies the two are out gathering firewood, with Tygra tossing an insult towards his brother and Cheetara, saying Lion-O is “just setting himself up to be shot down again” and Cheetara expressing that she doesn’t find Pumyra to be very “nice.” At the same time, Pumyra helps a baby winged frog that had fallen out of its nest while Lion-O has trouble expressing his feelings for Pumyra and accidentally gives her a flower which she has a terrible allergic reaction too. Later, the team meets a Wolo (now pronounced “wallow”) named Ponzi who gives them a “miracle elixir” that he promises will solve all their problems, including Pumyra’s swollen head.
After Ponzi leaves, the ThunderCats are attacked by the demonic dinosaur Sycorax which Mumm-Ra had resurrected to serve as his vessel. When he attacks them, Lion-O accidentally breaks the bottle of elixir, which temporarily disables Mumm-Ra’s vessel. Realizing its potential, the five chase after Ponzi to get more. However, as the Wollo thought they are disatisified customers out for revenge like others he scammed earlier, Ponzi inadvertently crashes his cart in an escape attempt with his entire supply destroyed in the process. The team agrees to help him make more, which will require the leaves of the rare Caracara Tree. At camp, Lion-O tries to get Pumyra to notice him by using a “love potion” Ponzi gave him. Tygra drinks it instead of Pumyra, causing him to temporarily act loopy and drugged only towards other male characters.
Reaching their destination the next morning, the team proceeds to strip the Caracara Tree of its leaves for Ponzi to produce his elixir in the distiller. But complications arise when Ponzi’s caterpillar-like pet, Lucy, devours all the leaves and begins to cocoon herself to the tree after she’s yelled at by her owner. This in turn forces the team to face Sycorax/Mumm-Ra on their own once again while Ponzi attempts to use the last leaf in hopes it would be enough. During the fight, Lion-O saves Pumyra and, impressed with his combat skills, she thanks him by kissing his cheek. The elixir turns out to be a “bad batch” as Ponzi calls it and the fight goes Mumm-Ra’s way until Lucy emerges from her cocoon in her adult form which resembles a Pokemon-style Mothra, and is able to crystalize the Sycorax due to the leaves she ingested. The Sycorax then shatteres as Mumm-Ra’s raven form emerges from its remains and flies off. As the episode closes, Ponzi thanks the ThunderCats but declines their offer to travel together.
Tygra recovers from the effects of the love potion and all ends wellfor now. Episode 24-After making it back to the City of Dogs, Panthro is wondering why the Book of Omens is pointing to the sky. Lion-O runs into Jorma who had survived the attack on Thundera and has made it home. Upon studying the book, Jorma concludes that one of the stones the ThunderCats are after is somewhere in the sky.
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