Autocad Lt 2002 Service Pack 1

Autocad Lt 2002 Service Pack 1 9,9/10 6512 votes

• Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter • Using Windows Explorer, copy your entire AutoCAD LT 2002 CD to your hard drive, to a folder path c: Autodesk CDs acadlt2002 • Start the Longbow Converter tool • Select the 2nd tab “ Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver“ • Using the ‘’ button, pick the c: Autodesk CDs acadlt2002folder where you just copied the LT 2002 CD • Click the “ Run Old Installer” button. • Read and understand all the prompts before pressing OK. • Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step • In the setup program, navigate through each setup dialog as normal, except when you get to the installation folder, ** it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c: acadlt2002 (not Program Files (x86) AutoCAD LT 2002 as usually prompted by default)** e.g. You must change the default AutoCAD LT 2002 Install path to c: acadlt2002 • IMPORTANT NOTE: You may find that entering the path C: acadlt2002 may not take (a bug in the AutoCAD 2002 installer).

Gedit 3 error on autocad Lt 2002 with windows 8.1 - Answered by a verified Software technician. Expand, AutoCAD LT. Do not install the AutoCAD 2002 Service Pack onto Map 5 systems. AutoCAD LT, 2007, Service Pack 1 Patch.

In that case, you will need to select the installation folder C: Program Files (x86) AutoCAD LT 2002 in step (5) below • Do not reboot if prompted to do so • Once installed • Go back to the Converter tool • Select the 3rd tab “ Old AutoCAD Program Reviver“ • Pick the newly installed c: acadlt2002 folder • Click “ Fix Old Program“. • Now run your AutoCAD LT 2002 and completely register as normal. Once registered, exit AutoCAD and continue to the next step. • Next, unzip and save to c: Autodesk sp – do not install yet • Next, ( ) and save to c: Autodesk sp – do not install yet • Go back into the Converter, select the 3rd tab, select the c: Autodesk sp folder and click Fix. • Install the LT 2002 sp1 by running c: Autodesk sp acad2002LTsp1.exe • If you get a 114 error, you may already have an sp1 enabled product so try the next step • Install the LT 2002 sp2 by running either the unlocked c: Autodesk sp acltk044-k047unl.exe or the locked c: Autodesk sp acltk044-k047swl.exe • If you get a 114 error, read the Troubleshooting section below. • Now, if you can’t get the sp2 to install it’s most likely because your version of AutoCAD 2002 LT is either the locked version and you downloaded the unlocked sp2 or it’s an unlocked version and you downloaded the locked sp2 – go back to (7) and try again. • Now, you can happily run your AutoCAD LT 2002 on Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

I was able to download the AutoCAD LT 2002 SP1 as described in step 6 above. I was not able to download the SP2 files as Internet Explorer boldly told me it Cannot Display the Web Page. I have tried several times with the same result.

Regardless, can you e-mail the SP1 and SP2 files for both the locked and unlocked versions? What is the “locked” and “Unlocked” versions all about? To continue, I have tried several times to install the SP1 I was able to download as identified in step 9, but when I run the file, I get “AutoCAD 2002 Error 114: The AutoCAD 2002 update was not applied.” What is this? So, I opened the AutoCAD 2002 LT and within the first several minutes I got the dreaded INTERNAL ERROR: GEDIT 3.


Can you provide me with some help? Why does SP1 not install? Why can’t I download the SP2 files? Is it necessary to install both SP’s in order to get rid of the GEDIT 3?

Best regards, Dale Buck.

Ok so I have autocad 2002 LT and when I installed on my machine (i am a admin on that machine) it installs fine, then I run SP1 so i can run the GEDIT-3 update to fix it from crashing. IT ALL RAN SMOOTH. So now I try to add this to 2 of our clients machines.where the user has no installs ok and then I run SP1 and I get a ERROR 1706 and this is when I even point it to the CDROM while its looking for the MSI installer. So i add that user as a local admin for install purpose only and it still gives me same error.this is the only different between my machine and theres is I am admin.also I tried to install on there machine as the ADMIN.same issues. I had this issue once ago and to be honest I forget how I solved it, since this is 2002 version and not depoyed often. On my machine SP1 just took off and the cd started to spin and it installed.

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